Friday, September 05, 2003

Today was sunny. Dale & I celebrated by dressing up a bit & going to lunch together in Wilder. We met up with everyone there. I bought 99$ worth of Art History books. Tried a vanilla mocha at The Thirsty Mind. I was drowsy but the caffeine definitely helped...

After dinner Dale wanted to get off campus, so we went with Lindsay to "guy watch." Well, really we mainly just wanted to get off campus. We went to Amherst & needed to find a restroom, so we went into the library first. All of us had the giggles, and we felt embarrassed walking right out after just using the bathroom. So instead we took the elevator down, then up, then walked across the stacks and took a different elevator to the ground floor. We managed to exit the building, and then linked arms and stumbled about toward town & lights. Lindsay made noises while we passed someone that reminded her of a tennis player (hehe). We walked up and down the main street in town and then went back to MHC with some loud music. That satisfied us quite well enough, and now we are tired.

I'm getting up early in the morning to accompany Dale home for Saturday night. Will be back Sunday around noon for floor activities and meetings.

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