Thursday, September 25, 2003

Art history quiz this morning: started with the Mona Lisa and remained manageable. The contrasting was between Donatello's bronze David and Michelangelo's marble David. Had lunch with Dale, Madalyn, Beth, Korisha, & Emily, then Dale and I walked Newton. Newton was showing off horribly and ended up choking himself going after ducks. Definitely tired him out. Will go for a shorter walk come Monday.

Dale & I took a ride to Chicopee for CVS, the Family Dollar, & Big Y. Family Dollar doesn't take credit cards, and I didn't have much cash on me, so that didn't work so well. But I did get more x-mas lights (my room is now completed in that department) and some toiletries and, of course, food. Splurged on chocolate chunk cookies (that are gooy and overwhelmingly sweet) and sparkling cider.

Dinner at Prospect: had a little scene with the dishes. I had my tray balanced on the window thingy when the dishwasher grabbed a plate off my tray. The entire tray was unbalanced and fell to my feet, shattering dishes and splattering food. Uhm, it was really NOT helpful to do that! Everything would have been perfectly fine if she would have just let me unload my tray myself!!

Anyway. I put up my x-mas lights this evening, did a little thinking about my Spanish essay (Nuria helped me find "floresta" -- it's a glade or grove, who knew?) and watched a Save by the Bell episode. Tomorrow I have work and a floor activity, maybe in the evening I'll get around to fun & studying.

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