Friday, October 03, 2003

So now I know why I want to work for the post office... the magazines and catalogs that would normally be thrown out I can sneak off to my mailbox, and then I have the happy feeling of carrying home mail. Uhm, Neiman Marcus is expensive. Madalyn agrees: look for styles, then buy them cheaper somewhere else. She stole a make up look from the catalog and practiced on me - - true red lipstick with black eyeliner. I don't think I'd ever worn red lipstick before. A new experience! Ordered some lip gloss and shimmer powder. Will have to try out the blush and then buy that, too... So get a make over from Madalyn and then order some Mark stuff! It's quite happily priced.

Dale came over and cheered me up tonight. Now I'm tired I think. Oh, I changed my sheets. Well, goodnight.

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