Thursday, October 23, 2003

All day I was thinking of when I could next curl up in bed. I came back after yoga, slept. After walking Newton, slept some more. Uhm... had a really strange dream about drinking beer at a bar with Dale. Decided to go shopping online as it's my "compensation" for not getting the travel scholarship, and I just needed to replace some stuff. Bought two sweaters, two cardigans, and a bra, from for under 50$ including shipping. Just now decided on four pairs of panties and a nightgown for under 35$ from Yay! I love girly nightgowns, especially now that I have my own room. I'm going to be a very special girl for awhile now, Mum's sent a package (thank you Mum!), the church care package comes in late Oct. (thank you Grammy & Grandpa!), & I've ordered from two places online. Happy days when yellow slips appear in the mailbox!

It was movie night for me and Dale -- we watched El espinazo del diablo with Miranda (which was muy muy excelente y la mejor pelicula de horror que he visto) and Bowling for Columbine at Blanchard. That was amazing, very glad I stayed up for it.

This weekend I start Ulysses (again). Only this time, I WILL be finishing it. Reading but nothing "due" next week. Which is good, because I'm hosting a prospective student and organizing that whole deal on Thursday. Although the poem for next week has to be in blank verse, which is close to impossible for me. I have no ear for stresses.

In further news, James (Phil. prof of last semester) is nominating me for the SAW center, and, well, I might drop some hours at the post office and take that on instead. More helpful for future grad. school apps. And then there's my J-term course proposal: it's been accepted and they want more details. So I will be getting some teaching experience over January, which would also be muy muy util for those grad school apps... esp. if I end up at some less than dreamy place like U of O, where fellowships for first years are only given to those who have teaching experience...

Oh! And I did get my $1.30 back from that damn washing machine incident.

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