Friday, July 18, 2003

The bug zapper Dad gave us has more benefits than just preventing bug bites: it attracts huge moths and beetles. We counted five sphinx moths and a June bug. The moths, besides being "grubs with wings," actually reminded me of a night time hummingbird. The things are big. The beetle was pinstriped. Mer started jumping around, with shrill "eek! eek!"s & arm wavings upon seeing the beetle flying around. Then I started shivering and eeking, and pointed out a large crane fly/ damsel fly looking thing that was swarming around Mer's face. Upon being alerted about the fly, Merrie eeked in full force and ducked and jumped away. A moth attached itself to my leg and I nearly crushed it thinking it was a nasty blood sucking insect or something. Finally had to disconnect the zapper as a large moth somehow squeezed through the mesh toward the electrifying bulb, and we didn't want to fry one of the big handsome moths (plus it would have been disgusting). So much for relaxing outside on the porch at night.

Saw some of a Destinos episode on tv...

Speaking of my rudimentary Spanish, a friendly Mexican man was trying to do something or other involving licenses and a run-in with his daughter, and happened to park at the fire station where me and Mom were cleaning. I of course jumbled things up and couldn't figure out exactly what he wanted to know. He kept trying to explain "cartera" and I wasn't really getting the meaning of everything. He drove off, and came back, so I waved to see if he found his daughter. He said "Si," walked up, and held up a wallet asking "como se dice?" So I was like, oooh, "wallet!" I think he was looking for his daughter to get his license so he could go to the DMV for an appointment or something. Anyway, all seemed to have gone ok up to that point, and we both learned a new word. Maybe someday I'll already KNOW all the words necessary to point someone in the right direction.

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