Wednesday, March 17, 2010

busy with the everydayness of it all?

how does this always happen??

life can be summed up, however --

I MOVED. I live with Helene and Kimon and Adam in a charming victorian with a backyard.

I read and write in the sunroom.

for valentine's day I went to steve's makeout party. I had a lovely time. then j. broke things off with me. I continue to date. but I run into j. whenever I walk by duboce park. THE BASSET HOUNDS PLAYING = WORTH IT.

for my birthday I had just what I wanted -- a dinner party. I made lasagna and ratatouille and a chocolate layer cake with vanilla AND chocolate buttercream frosting. then we danced to oldies.

a group of friends in the dept. started a reading group and it is marvelous. we critique and then we eat and socialize and drink wine.

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