Thursday, August 21, 2003

Went all over today with Varmint Control, we gals left the house a bit after noon and didn't get home till after 6 pm. There was a porcupine in Goldendale that needed to be hauled off. Ate more dippin' dots. God I'm going to miss those in South Hadley.

Merrie was in top form today. We listened to oldies on the radio, the classic "I'm so dizzy my head is spinning..." came on. Mer said "Mom this is a good song for you, you're always dizzy." Mom scratched her ear, and Mer continued, "Probably because you scratched your inner ear one too many times and fucked up your equilibrium." Good laugh over that one. A few minutes later Mom turned serious & looked me in the eye, "Becky do you think eating protein with breakfast is a good idea?" "Well, I guess would break down slower..." Mom said "Because I had some cheese this morning and I felt much sharper." Mer piped in "Was it sharp cheese?" More laughter.

Hours & many miles later: We had another rushed dinner and then headed downtown for Families in the Park.

Tom Grant played tonight. Really loud music, some lyrics in Portuguese. Not all straight jazz, they had some 70s songs mixed in, too... Pete was at the house when we got back, so Mer & I drank soda and talked before driving home.

I finished Catch-22 right before we parked at Dad's for the concert. Wow. Optimistic ending, but you know it can't last that way. "How many happy endings are unhappy endings." Reminisced with Dad about Snowden's spilling guts & "'You think people are trying to kill you,' 'of course people are trying to kill me!'" A book I need to find my own copy of and re-read. And I must see the movie, Dad said there's one from the '70s. I love how Dad can break into quotes as soon as I've said "So I just finished Catch-22..."

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