Sunday, August 24, 2003

Better news today. My room would be perfect si no tengo tantas cosas en Abbey todavia. My bed canopy is suspended by fishing line (from the walls, not the ceiling, that would be a FIRE HAZARD! (uh... right)). I have Christmas lights along this molding line about 3/4s of the way up the wall, drooping for the window a bit and then down to the floor, back up a random pipe thingy in the corner and then straight again on the molding till the line ends. Hmmm. Maybe one would have to see it to understand that... I have a bag of things to donate to Salvation Army, a piece of luggage packed and ready to go back to Oregon with things I don't need here but that I don't want to throw away, and more stuff still to sort through at my leisure.

I'm going to buy a damned lamp. I've been agonizing over this for so long, but I think a little cheap lamp would be just fine. I think I'm going to sell my old rug & get a small one just for the middle of the room. I like the hardwood floors. I've heard it said that in the winter I'll want more carpeting, but I'm a huge freak about shoes on floors -- I just don't do that. I take my shoes off as I enter my room, so I don't think that will be a problem for me. I can wear slippers if it's a matter of the floor being cold. It's just like really nice flooring, like Linda's back home... Ahh I love my room! Now that it's not a huge mess, I really quite like it. My hall committee & I rearranged a first year triple on the fourth floor, it was cluttered and really unappealing... The furniture was basically thrown it at whim, with no thought for how three people would function without killing each other. We arranged it really well I think, considering. We managed to get three clusters in each available corner, of bed, desk, and dresser.

Didn't watch The Practice tonight.

I think I'm going to read another bit of The Dubliners & get ready for bed.

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