Tuesday, August 04, 2009


The last few weeks have been an adventure. From befuddled revisions that seemed to be going nowhere, to feeling tres-productive teaching middle schoolers through Stanford's summer gifted youth program. I felt teacherly. I liked having an audience. I got good student evaluations. It made me feel better about the fact that my own research and writing needs plenty of work.

The social life wasn't so bad, either. Urban adventures with friends and roommates. Symphony in the park. Walk on the beach. Trivia night with a new team. Nice dinners with Steve and Helene (in Berkeley) and with Vincent and Helene (celebrating ends of projects). Spending time with Vincent, our roommate, before he went back to Paris. Wondering how 410 Steiner will change, as these past 6 months have been an amazing experience for me in group living. And last night was our last "family dinner" together, which was, as usual, great fun.

Hoping that the next adventures will be as lovely --

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