Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Just read Mer's blogspot, and I'm rather ashamed of my so very short updates! =) In response: congrats again on the Elks student of the month thing! Did they give a specific reason why they chose you? They never chose me... =( And why did the Whitmans sell Pretty Boy and Suede (alpacas)? I thought they were going to hold on to them... I liked those two... haha and I'm afraid I side more on finding the injured bantie chicken funny rather than sad!

Ok, back to me. It was drizzling today, misting you might say. Yoga went well, I think, we're doing some freaky things with trying to hold our legs in the air though. Have a hard time with that, I'm weak! Uhm... kept falling asleep in art history and verse writing (well not really, but I wanted to). So when I got home I just put on my nightie and slept for awhile. It was quite, quite nice. Disorienting to wake up though, dark out, and go to meet up with Chrissy for our Spanish stuff. I think we'll do ok, even though uhm, I can't speak spanish. I'll try... getting together before class to coordinate everything. Got through the next six chapters of Ulysses, but considering there are still six more, about 350 pages more, that doesn't seem too impressive. Oh well, I'll have to catch up for next week =(

The hall committee meeting was canceled (maybe due to Dis-O. speaking of dis-o, I appreciated last night's rendition of soft cell's "tainted love" by the lovely Pearsonites). Had a happy phone conversation before showering =) Looking forward to Friday!

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