Thursday, February 19, 2009

recent victories

Over material conditions:

- The bed arrived, and I put it together all by myself. Well, and with the help of some books to prop up the side rails as I fastened them to the head/footboards.

- At some point before Saturday I will have a cushioned reading chair.

- I carried a lamp home in the rain.

- Saved 15$ at Rainbow Grocery with scavenged 20% off coupons. Oh, AND turned in an application for part time work.

- The uber soft sheep rug arrived. Buju the cat luuurves it.

Over new things:

- Presented a revised version of my prospectus at the Stanford-Berkeley colloquium. And took *questions.*

- Valentine's day when not in a relationship: the roommates & I went to the SF pillow fight and to a (new to me) Mexican restaurant.

Monday, February 09, 2009


After a long hiatus...

I'm somewhat settled in the new apartment ( foam mattress arrived! adorable shabby chic dresser/desk in place! $3 yard sale wood chair carried home! hamper from Ross precariously carried home on a WAY crowded bus from downtown SF!). I've had some exploring, lots of reading in cafes, some dinners out (Chaya for vegetarian sushi, Great China in Berkeley, pizza place in the Mission, vegan place back in Palo Alto), some dinners in, and some time with the roommates. As in: last night's impromptu guitar/drums/homemade maraca jam session, this morning's homemade crepes, and tonight's French dinner, thanks to Vincent, who made us a cream pepper sauce, steak, and scalloped potatoes. All I managed was the vegetables. Anyway, today's roommate bonding time has kind of made up for the drudgery of outlining a syllabus and writing a course description AND coming up with sample assignments, all in the hopes of MAYBE getting a summer teaching gig. Jesus Christ.

Also: Buju the cat has decided that my room is her sanctuary when she feels like an insulted diva.